Branded website design
Brand-Smart Web Design
A branded website, when done well, is consistent in its messaging and visual style across your whole system. The Brand-Smart Web Design package includes the Brand Module—a four-part component we work on together that pinpoints your Target Audience(s), your Unique Value Proposition (what distinguishes you from your competition), your Brand Voice, strategic messaging and a marketing plan to be implemented once the website is launched so that it will immediately go to work for you.
With a strategically branded website design, you’ll have a healthy filtering system, enabling you to engage in a straightforward and convenient way with ideal prospects. Prospects become clients when your solution answers their problem.
Who is this for?
This is for you if you have an established business but haven’t developed a strategic marketing plan yet, or your marketing efforts are not producing the results you desire.
With this approach, you’ll get a website infused with clearly defined offerings that will serve as a guide and reference for all of your marketing efforts. The package also includes a marketing plan developed just for your business with a strategic approach to reach your ideal clients.
The 4 Parts of an Effective Brand
How do you turn prospects into customers? You must first identify WHO your ideal customers are and WHY you’re the perfect solution for them! The Brand-Smart Web Design package will utilize the 4-Step Brand Module, giving you a branded website design which addresses the following:
Your Target Audience
WHO are your ideal customers? In our current culture, being “everything to everybody” no longer works. Learn how to analyze which market sectors are best for you to focus on. The more narrow the focus, the more effective your marketing efforts will be.
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Trying to compete with large corporate businesses marketing to widespread audiences is a race to the bottom. Don’t be afraid to be boldly specific!
With exercises that are fun to collaborate on, we will help you define your Target Audience with demographics such as age, gender, economic status, occupation, marital status, and more. Then we’ll give your ideal cleint a unique personality so you’ll feel you’re talking to a real person whever you create content.
Your Value Proposition
WHY did you start your business? The purpose behind your brand is what will set you apart from your competition. A strong Value Proposition will help you become crystal clear about why prospective customers within your Target Audience will choose you.
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The integrity of your Value Proposition is the foundation of your brand. It is your brand promise, and is something that must be scrupulously honest. For example, if you say you have “exceptional customer service,” it will have a false ring unless your customer service is truly exceptional.
With exercises using metrics and information on your Target Audience, we’ll help you formulate clear communication about your strengths to devise your unique Value Proposition.
Your Brand Voice
WHAT do you have to say? With a clear Brand Voice, your messaging will translate your Value Proposition into ideas and language that your Target Audience will relate to and engage with. We’ll create content that is distinct from your competitors while being absolutely authentic.
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It begins with questions such as: “If your brand was a human being, how would you describe his or her personality to someone?” Then we’ll develop the “tone” of your brand voice that will be music to your Target Audience’s ears.
Your Marketing Plan
HOW do you begin to apply all of this newly formulated messaging to promoting your business? We’ll help you formulate a strategic approach that takes information from all of the previous steps to devise a plan that fits your business.
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Your Marketing Plan will be as distinct as your Target Audience, Value Proposition and Brand Voice. From Social Media to Advertising, Trade Shows to Podcasting, there are a myriad of ways to to appraoch it.
Taking its cues from your newly designed Brand-Smart Website, your plan will include an appropriate course of action for your specific needs. Of course, we will always be available to help put your plan into action!
The Brand-Smart Web Design
A kick-off meeting will establish the game plan for your branded website design, covering technicalities and answering any questions you may have. We will both prepare for the meeting by doing research into your competition and finding examples of other sites for specific reference which we will review.
Then we’ll move into several sessions (3-4) that comprise the Brand Module, where we’ll define your Target Audience (or “Ideal Client,”) Unique Value Proposition and Brand Voice. We’ll define Calls-To-Action that are specific to your audience, and create messaging that speaks through your authentic voice and personality. The messaging will lead the way, with the structural design of the site being informed by those factors.
From there we’ll make a “blueprint” of the site, called a Wireframe, defining what pages will contain certain information and how the navigation will be structured. We’ll also be writing the actual copy that will appear on each page.
Then the fun begins. You’ll be presented with a mood board, suggesting a color palette and image style for the site’s theme.
Once the mood board has been refined, we’ll set up your actual site in a staging area, away from the public eye, while we work on it over the next 3 weeks or so. The pages will contain the messaging we created in the Brand Module, which will drive the design and layout, while the mood board will serve as a visual guide.
Once we’ve gone through the design & layout process, we’ll test the site on different platforms and devices to assure it is functioning properly no matter where someone sees it.
Pop the cork! The last step will be the launch of your new Brand-Smart Website. Now it will be in the public eye and it’s time to start promoting it!
Once you’ve gotten the plan underway we can continue on as your own outsourced marketing & design department. We offer ongoing support with affordable monthly plans as well as specific consulting on a per-project basis, based on your needs.
Brand-Smart Web Design PLUS
The Brand-Smart Web Design PLUS package offers you everything that the Brand-Smart Web Design package does, and then some.
Because every business has different needs, you can select from a number of additional services that can be implemented as part of the initial process or after launch:
Additional Services:
- Copywriting
- Targeted Landing Page
- Custom Imagery
- Content Calendar
- Social Media Assets
- Newsletter Design
- Digital Illustration
- Logo & Style Guide
- E-Commerce
- Custom Programming
If you need something that is not on this list, just ask!
Who is this for?
This is for you if you want the Brand-Smart Web Design package with some bells & whistles.
With this approach, you’ll get everything in the Brand-Smart Web Design, plus your choice of additional services, for example, professional copywriting, a targeted landing page to promote a specific service or product – or to have up while we work on the whole site, and social media assets like banners and post images.
Simple Web Design
Your business needs a website like your body needs a heart. It isn’t going to survive without it!
That said, your website doesn’t need to be a hundred page mini-series in order to help your business grow. In fact, it can contain just a few, strategically-designed pages that will clearly communicate your offerings and easily convert visitors into prospective clients.
Once you gain some traction in your business you can always upgrade to a Brand-Smart Web Design. Once you work with us, we’ll have your back in the future too!
Who is this for?
This is for you if you’re a new business owner wanting to make a strong first impression but don’t yet have the budget to invest in a full custom Brand-Smart Web Design. With this package, you’ll get a professional website that will attract your ideal clients and open doors to new growth opportunities.
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