The BG Blog
Are You Fluent?
There is a marketing “language” that connects the dots between your website and potential clients. How fluent are you in this language?
Fictitious Prison
I don’t have to feel this way! It’s fictitious – self-inflicted. I have control over my to-do list and whether to even show up to anything I have scheduled.
The Art of Self-discipline
I WOKE UP THIS MORNING with a knot in the pit of my stomach. As soon as I opened my eyes, I knew I was never going to get everything done that was on my list today, much less be able to get some exercise. Overwhelm set in. When setting goals and getting projects...
Messages from Within
Whether it’s in dreams or just quiet time, things come up from deep within, giving us messages, sometimes in code.
Staying Alive
The health of your business means you’ll need some help sometimes. It’s all about Staying Alive!
6 Signs Your Wellness Business Needs a Check-up
Here’s a checklist of the top 6 signs it’s time for a “Business Wellness Check-up” for your health & wellness organization.
Writing for your Website: 7 Best Practices
Seven best practices for writing for your Website that will help you get unstuck and get your content in shape. Follow these steps to stay on schedule and launch on time.
What’s Your Brand Building Strategy?
Since so much strategic thinking needs to go into an effective brand building strategy, do the visuals even make a difference? A logo is not a brand…
Distraction and the Brain-Body Connection
I wake up every morning with an agenda that starts with meditation, yoga and a brisk walk outside. Two hours later, when I finally get to my desk with a hot cup of tea and some morsel to hold me over until lunch, I feel I am always behind the 8-ball. The To-Do list is...